Buenas noches muchachos, con motivo a la ausencia de algunos de Uds. les dejo acá la actividad que hicimos el día de hoy en clase, para que puedan elaborarla individual o grupalmente, cómo lo deseen.
Por favor, me envían por correo la actividad - may.4641@gmail.com
1. La actvidad consiste que me escriban en español un resumen de la siguiente lectura y escriban una oración con cada palabra subrayada.
Mom was diagnosed with cell lung cancer on June 6th,
2000. She went into the hospital on June 5th because she had become weak
and did not feel like she could move anymore. At the hospital she was
diagnosed with bleeding ulcers. She received two units of blood.
The next day her doctor came into the room and asked
me to please sit down, and told us during some tests he had ordered, he had found
a tumor in her right lung. He then scheduled a biopsy going through her back,
to determine if the tumor was malignant or not. It was. She was released
from the hospital six days later with an appointment in early July to see a
thoracic surgeon.
During this time mom debated back and forth as to
whether she wanted this surgery or not. I kept insisting that she have
the operation. Yes, it was going to be painful, but the tumor was in a
good location and had not spread (to their knowledge). So, of course I
wanted her to have the operation. Mom was very fearful of the pain, but
She weighed 90 pounds and her eating was at a minimum.
My job was to push as many calories as I could into her. I would make at least
three trips to her home every day, pushing ensure, vitamins, candy, and making
sure she had anything she needed.
One night she called me at home, saying she felt
funny. Would I come and sit with her? When I got there she was sweaty,
weak, and dizzy. I called an ambulance. She was suffering a silent heart
attack. She spent another week in the hospital. Of course now her
operation was canceled. She would never survive it.
By this time mom had grown tired and decided she would
seek no further treatment for the cancer. She asked me to just take her
home and never send her back to the hospital again. That is what I did.
Mom went down hill fast after that. She rarely
moved from her couch, and the pain started becoming more intense. She ate very
little. She started loosing the use of her legs. After trying a couple
different pain medications the doctor decided it was time to start
morphine. Her last doctor appointment I had to bring her in a wheel
chair, and my brother had to carry her from the car to the chair. The doctor
said he thought it was time for hospice. We agreed.
Asimismo, le dejo por acá quiénes son los que faltan por entregar esta actividad para que puedan comunicarse unos con otros:
- Mayree Montilla - mayreemntll@gmail.com
- María Salas - salas_linares@hotmail.com
- Rocío Molina - rociesmeralda07@hotmail.com
- Juan Carvajal - juancarvajal2002@hotmail.com
- Johanna Delgado - johannadelgado63@gmail.com
- María Perdomo - marialexpe2678@gmail.com
- Nora Vera - noravers@gmail.com